Highland Wildlife and Birdwatch Safaris, Guided wildlife excursions, Aviemore, Scotland
Highland Wildlife and Birdwatch Safaris, Guided wildlife excursions, Aviemore, Scotland


What birds can we expect see at the time of year we are visiting?

You can get a good idea of what species we may see by checking out our sightings blog archives, or by emailing your “wish-list” to me at steve.reddick@btinternet.com and I will get back to you with an idea of the likelihood of sightings.

I am not very mobile, will I be ok on one of your safaris?

Yes, you probably will. If you notify me of your medical situation at the time of your enquiry, I will be able to plan an itinerary to match your ability, with less walking and avoiding steep hills etc.

How long do your safaris last?

My safaris are very flexible – from a Spring/Summer full day (4am-4pm) multi-habitat 12 hour “super-safari”, to a 4 hour “mini-safari”, to a bespoke “exclusive day” viewing just a few special species, often at close range (popular with wildlife photographers/filmmakers).

How many people do you take out on a safari?

I only take out small parties (minimum 2 – Maximum 6) in order to ensure a quality experience for all my guests, and to minimise any impact on the wildlife/environment.

Where do we meet you on the day of our safari?

My safaris are based in Aviemore. If you are staying near to Aviemore, I can usually collect you from your accommodation. Otherwise, collection will be from Myrtlefield (free) car park in Aviemore.

How much will it cost?

The cost is very much dependent on the number of persons & duration of safari. You can check-out approximate likely costs on our prices page – but don’t be afraid to ask for a family/group discount!

What do we do about food on your safari?

You will need to bring a packed lunch & drink, as we will have an ‘al fresco’ picnic out in the wilds. A hot breakfast will be provided free if you go for an early-start all day safari.

What about toilets/comfort stops?

We will stop at least every 2 hours for toilets, and I will give you a fair warning if we are going to be away from civilisation for a while.

If you have any other questions/requests, please feel free to email, text or phone me – my contact details are at the top of the page.